Interview with Camila Garcia

Interview by Natalia Rocafuerte

Camila Garcia is a writer and visual alchemist. All beautiful things suggest movement

How is your winter going, where are you located?
I'm right on the equator line, I live in Barichara, Colombia, we don’t have the four seasons, only a rainy season and a very sunny season. The rainy season is coming to its end now, everything is still green and beautiful, but soon (when this interview is published) it will be dry and orange as the naked ground around here, -one of the curious things of this small town is the orange, almost red color of its ground-. Temperature is perfect these last days of November, it oscillates between 22 and 27 °C. This a tropical dry forest, the town is on a tableland surrounded by mountains.

What role does your artwork play in the world?
My last artwork, Plandemic Series, the one that you’ll see in this festival, is one of my few clearly political artworks. Its role is to make evident the absurd totalitarian measures taken by the governments of the world with the excuse of the virus; this artwork aims to underline the violation of most of our individual freedoms and constitutional rights and the psychological manipulation through fear, guilt and fake moralism. But my artwork in general has a wider role which is to show the beauty, sometimes the beauty of nature, other times the beauty of architecture or crafts, it invites to stop for a while and observe.

Could you explain what inspired your piece Plandemic Series?
The cruel and violent measures abusively taken by the governments with the excuse of the virus, the submission and laziness of people who gave up all their freedoms (for which our ancestors fought during whole generations) in less than a week and the power of media. Aesthetically I was inspired by Mexican art, especially by Guadalupe Posada. 

Would you care to share your last dream?
I dreamt that I was judged and sentenced because I had written the word sosiego* without h.

* Sosiego in spanish means appeasement and doesn’t have any h. 

One last question: How did you get involved with Moebius Animación? 
I was invited by one of her founders, who also knows my written work, -I have published two books of short stories- to write about animation. This was something that was going to happen sooner or later I guess, since my two big passions are writing and animation.

Camila Garcia (@camilaasecas) is a writer and visual alchemist. All beautiful things suggest movement.


Check out Camila Garcia’s latest video project Plandemica 2020 during our Experimental Shorts Broadcast hosted by Natalia Rocafuerte on December 4 2020 at 8PM Central Time. RSVP here!